Snowboarding Trick : Frontside 360’s

Snowboarding Trick : Frontside 360’s
Snowboarding Trick : Frontside 360’s
with Nico Droz

How To Snowboarding Frontside 360’s, Like the backside 180, the frontside 3 is a classic: a trick that you can learn early on, and spend the rest of your life trying to perfect… Done well, it’s one of the most stylish moves in the book: done badly, it’s one of the ugliest. Frontside three’s are more tricky than backside because they are a blindside rotation.

Snowboarding Trick : Frontside 360’s

Snowboarding Trick - Frontside 360’s Tip:
When learning this trick, you may find yourself landing at 270 onto your toe edge every time. This is usually because you are opening up from the rotation too early, so stay tucked up small!

Snowboarding Trick : Frontside 360’s
Snowboarding Trick : Frontside 360’s
 Snowboarding Trick : Frontside 360’s 
  • Approach the kicker straight on, slowly leaning into a heelside edge as youapproach the lip.
  • As you reach the lip, turn your head and shoulders frontside, to begin the rotation. Pop off the heelside edge.
  • As you take off, quickly pull the board up into your body, grabbing your toe edge between your knees with the back hand.
  • As you rotate, keep looking in the direction you are going. If you feel you are spinning slowly, stay tight. If not, bone out your front leg to slow the rotation.
  • After 270°, start looking down between your feet to spot your landing and stall the rotation. Get ready to land.
  • Let go of the grab at the last possible moment, and bring your board around the last 90 degrees.
  • Land as flat on your base as possible, turn your head to look down the landing, and ride away.

Snowboarding Trick : How To Frontside 360’sVideo

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