Mastering the Basics of How To Freestyle Snowboarding.

Nothing is more fun than a sunny day with friends in the snowpark. And nothing beats the feeling of doing your first air, landing on your feet, and riding away feeling like you’re the king (or queen) of the world. But, like most things in life, there’s a payoff for all that pleasure. Like the feeling of doing your first air and landing on your ass instead of your feet... or the frustration of ‘nearly’ making a trick every time, but never quite pulling it off.

Well, it’s too late to change your mind now. You’re hooked on snowboarding, and that’s that. All you can do now is hope someone comes along and tells you all the things you need to know, clear and simple, in the right order. It’s your lucky day. From popping your first ollie and mastering the basic pipe, kicker and rail moves, to learning trick names and picking up style pointers, it’s all here: Explained by pro riders, accompanied by a DVD, and best of all... free. Park riding is so much fun... when you know how. Until then, let us be your guide through those tricky

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