with Tadej Valentan
How to Snowboarding Rock to Fakie, this is pretty much the first trick to try on a wall ride. You start out just sliding a little way, straight up and down. As your confidence increases, work up to the coping. Once you have it, try hitting the wall at a slight angle, and sliding along the coping.
Snowboarding Trick : Rock to fakie Tip :
Shoulders parallel to your board, and stay flat on your base at all times.
Snowboarding Trick : Rock to fakie
- The most important thing is to get the speed right: enough to reach the coping, plus a little more to ‘rock’ your weight over the top.
- Approach the wall flat on your base, and keep your eye on the coping.
- As your foot passes the coping, start to straighten out your front leg.
- Aim to stop with the middle of your board on the coping, then lean forward to rock over the top.
- Keep your shoulders parallel to the board, and your eyes on your feet.
- To complete the move, do everything in reverse, riding back down fakie.
- Keep your eyes on your feet, and as soon as you touch the snow, turn your head to face the direction you’re travelling.