Corinne Pasela new face in the Roxy

Last season Roxy picked up Ohio native, Corinne Pasela, a mean rail rider with ambition to someday save the world.  Featured in the Roxy and Peepshow collaborative film series, Wanderlust, Corinne experienced her first time traveling, riding and filming with a professional crew. There’s a whole lot more to come from this chick. She shreds

Corinne Pasela - Roxy Wanderlust Trailer

Age: 20Years Shredding: 8Sponsors: RoxyStance: Regular
Hometown: Middleburg Heights, Ohio Home Mountain: Boston Mills/Brandywine

What was your season like last year? What was it like getting picked up by Roxy?
My season last year was like a dream, time traveling and such. Getting picked up by Roxy offered me the chance of a lifetime, to snowboard places I had never considered before, not to mention the chance to work with some incredible people whom I hold much respect for. It was pretty sweet. Did I mention I got to snowboard a lot? That was so fun. Before Roxy came around, a big life plan of mine was to learn as much as I could so that one day I may save the world. It still hasn’t changed much. I was really into the idea of graduating college then falling into Teach for America for two years, amongst many other ideas.

How awesome was filming for Wanderlust?
Though I probably didn’t say much throughout the journey, it was quite wonderful. I learned a lot and still have a lot to learn. I rode with some amazing people. It was fun, most definitely. Being in Quebec was my favorite part of filming. Sometimes in Ohio, the snowboard thing seems like some underground society. Not many people film street (not to say there aren’t some living legends out there) and pedestrians definitely don’t know what’s up. So to be in Quebec where film crews roamed around, like cruising off a building on a snowboard is normal, was pretty cool. It’s inspiring, really. Plus it was cool to see how people do things differently. I like that.

Do you ever get nervous about hitting anything, like an intimidating rail?
Heck yeah! We’ve been groomed to walk up and down stairs like civilized human beings, jumping off a building is socially unacceptable. So, sometimes throwing yourself down a set of stairs seems as incredibly unnatural as it sounds, and that’s intimidating for sure. Can’t help but think of all that can go wrong.

What do you do to get rid of the brain bugs and butterflies when trying something new?
Don’t think, just do. It’s fun to scare yourself, so everything works out in the end…hopefully. I tend to try something a bunch of times before getting a ‘trick’ to feel right. That repetition, for me, eventually chases out that initial brain bug or butterfly.

Any fears?
Knocking out my teeth, as well as the unknown and dark places… but then again those are the most fascinating.

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